09 Jan 2017 A Year To Remember
Where does time go? 2017 was quite a whirlwind, and that is why I have taken some time for reflection, evaluation and deep appreciation. The New Year always brings anticipation for the future. So much planning and dreaming during this time- with that comes to a range of emotions as I look back to all of the life-changing events and experiences of the past year.
2017 was the year my life was televised. The experience of filming the show was much different than watching the show in its edited version- both experiences make the whole and a highlight of this time is VULNERABILITY. As I watched the show I was reminded to always stay true to myself because it is from this place of authenticity where you are never wrong.
It’s Reality TV, so you have to be REAL right? There were so many moments of uncertainty. How will I be received? What will people think? I am so grateful I felt intensely supported by my friends. This feeling brings tears to my eyes as I write this. I felt carried through the times I doubted myself. Together we laughed and were able to understand all of the lessons both big and small. A new kind of strength revealed itself to me. The kind I didn’t even know existed! The strength to be myself no matter what and to really like that person. ME. Leave all the fears and doubt behind in 2017.
Before the show, I was very private. I rarely used Instagram and I had no idea what a “selfie” was. I have learned to explore new things, to have fun with it and how to use these connection platforms for the greater good! I have had fun sharing a little bit more of my life with the public and feel connected to the people who reach out and who are fans of the show. I enjoy the warm hellos from strangers who feel like they know me. Wouldn’t the world be a better place if we were like that always?
The press tours, the events, the red carpet appearances, the galas, it has all been such a whirlwind. As I sit here writing this I can hardly believe everything that has happened has only been in one year. I have come to realize that by putting myself out there so publically open for others to know me I truly discovered myself.
I have always LOVED fashion but no idea how much until this year. This passion has inspired me to work hard and create something new to contribute to the fashion world. I have learned that dreams do come true. Just by boldly being myself my brand was born. I can’t wait to share more details with you soon! I just want you to know that you need to keep believing in your dreams!
Some of the most rewarding work has been the awareness raised for all of the good causes I am deeply passionate about. Being a World Vision ambassador for the past 18 years has been a true honour and we were able to do some good work this year together. Raising awareness and fundraising. I truly believe that it is our responsibility to give back, to be kind and to help those who need help.
Looking back, now I know that it takes a team and I rely on mine. My family and dear friends, professionals like my communications team and agents. I have aligned myself with trusted, talented individuals who have a clear understanding of my vision and are supportive and kind. It takes a village. Surround yourself with people who believe in you!
I have so many aspirations for this new year. We are living in such exciting times of change and it is in these times I believe anything is possible. Take care of you and take care of the people you love and also take care of those in need. It is that simple my friends. Do what you can, when you can and always be grateful!
One of my New Year’s resolutions is to write more so please stay in touch and keep an eye out for more of my blogs. I would love to hear your comments.

JKWxVersace for World Vision Event



The Real Housewives of Toronto

Red Carpet Diary

JKWxDavidYurman World Vision Event

The licensing of the JKW brand