15 Jun The Real Housewives of Toronto: Joan Kelley Walker Is Not A Betch
Notable met with Slice’s Real Housewives of Toronto ahead of broadcast to get to know the cast on a more professional level. What you may not see on The Real Housewives of Toronto is that each woman is successful in her own right, professionally and personally.
I was raised in a super super small town in Southern Saskatchewan, in a hamlet called Wilcox. My dad was a grain farmer and my mom was a nurse. I was raised up from a fairly simple, humble beginning and it instilled in me my priorities: My family, my friends and my church. What I love about small town living is people have transparency, and can’t just make stuff up or try and be something they’re not. I’ve carried this understanding with me throughout my life, and I’m trying to raise my kids with the same transparency too.
It sounds like family is very important to you.
Family is everything to me. I think these days family isn’t the traditional way of looking at family. It’s your inner circle, the people that make a difference in your life.
How would you describe your role in your inner circle?
I think I belong in a lot of circles. I have a mom circle, a wife circle, a daughter circle, a girlfriend circle, and a philanthropic circle The Real Housewives of Toronto is a new circle and I’m trying to thread it all together and keep my life in tact.
What are your tools for finding balance?
I think experiences are more important than stuff in your life. I look at this show being a really really interesting experience. I’m trying to get out of [the show] as much as I’m putting into it. My personal goal for Real Housewives is to be real. Even though there are parameters [for drama] when shooting the show, there can’t be cameras with me twenty-four seven. So there are layers to my personality I would have liked to show more, like my philanthropic side.