20 Jul Canadian Consumers Shouldn’t Accept Child Labour In Their Products
I’m certain I speak for all Canadians when I say that no one wants to buy products that have been made by the hands of children forced into slave labour. That is fundamentally wrong on all levels. Everyone knows that.
The problem is what we don’t know. We often have little or no idea about the manufacturing chain a given product passes through before it reaches our country.
I have a cottage where I host a lot of guests. I am constantly restocking household items. Of course I try to find the lowest prices, but at what expense?
It is heartbreaking to hear that, in some cases, children as young as five years old are forced to work in manufacturing. Their step of the process goes unrecognized, undocumented in the information that is passed on to the consumer.
These children should be in school. They should be enjoying their childhood. When they are old enough to work, they should be paid fairly and work in good conditions for reasonable hours.
I cannot sit idly by and watch this ‘chain” continue. How do we, as Canadian consumers find out where, how and by whom a product has been made, besides what we are told on the label or information given by the manufacturer?