09 Feb ‘Real Housewives of Toronto’ announces sultry new cast, premiere date
Let’s face it, we all know that the REAL Real Housewives of Toronto probably are stuck in traffic somewhere, as we speak.
But TV’s Real Housewives of Toronto probably don’t have to worry about such mundane concerns as ground transportation. Aren’t private jets more their style?
Slice has announced that The Real Housewives of Toronto will debut on March 7.
The reality show will follow six of Hogtown’s most glamorous women as they whine, dine and socialize in Canada’s largest city.
The stars include socialite Kara Alloway, curvy jet-setter Roxy Earle, French Canadian actress Gregoriane (Grego) Minot, business woman Ann Kaplan Mulholland, model Joan Kelley Walker and JOGA (Yoga for Jocks) CEO Jana Webb.
Real Housewives of Toronto is the latest series to join The Real Housewives franchise, which includes Vancouver, Orange County, New York City, Atlanta, New Jersey, Beverly Hills, Dallas, Potomac and international additions from England, Australia and New Zealand.