The Real Housewives

For someone who is constantly in the spotlight, the Real Housewives of Toronto, Joan Kelley Walker is always putting her best foot forward. She joined us this morning to talk about tips for that “ageless beauty” look. [html5_video id=2124]   [button size='' style='' text='SEE FULL SEGMENT' icon='' icon_color=''...

Get Ready for the 2018 Canadian Arts and Fashion Awards (CAFA) with Joan Kelley Walker by CHLOE GRANT The Canadian Arts and Fashion Awards (CAFA) is this Friday and one of Toronto’s hottest fashion moguls couldn’t be more excited. You probably know Joan Kelley Walker as a...

During ANOKHI's Summer lifestyle event #ThisIsMyStyle, I had the opportunity to sit and chat with one of the stars of the popular show, the Real Housewives of Toronto, Joan Kelley Walker in front of a live audience. She revealed how she journeyed from a small...

The holiday season is upon us, and this is the time of year when my generosity kicks into high gear and I look for meaningful ways of giving back just a little more than usual. I’m working towards being more mindful of giving back throughout...

Helping others continues to motivate Joan Kelley Walker By Mark Pavilons “Anywhere I see suffering, that is where I want to be, doing what I can.” Princess Diana Joan Kelley Walker leads by example. Juggling a hectic schedule and wearing many hats, Walker is a strong woman, loving wife...

Joan Kelley Walker – Redefining ‘Housewives’ Hopefully, by now you have come to know Fernweh Society as a hub for boss lady profiles, advice and inspiration!  I find nothing more inspiring than learning about other women who have taken it upon themselves to rise above and build...

Fall Food Drive a Big Success The Neighbourhood Network Fall Food Drive, in support of the King Township Food Bank, was held Oct. 28 at No Frills in Nobleton. A total of $437.25 was raised in cash donations, along with three full carts of groceries (value...

JOAN KELLEY WALKER STAR OF REAL HOUSEWIVES OF TORONTO CELEBRITY FIRESIDE CHAT: 12.10pm – 12.50pm: Signature Presentation 1: “Building An Iconic Brand” Hosted By Open Chest With Raj Girn TESTIMONIAL “I am thrilled and honored to be a part of The ANOKHI Prestige Experience’s #ThisIsMyStyle event! To be able to align...